New South Wales Legislation Weekly Bulletin

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A summary of legislative activity for the week ending Friday 9 May 2008
1 Bills

Consultation or Exposure Bills

Bills introduced etc
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2008
Crimes Amendment (Rock Throwing) Bill 2008
Hemp Industry Bill 2008
Medical Practice Amendment Bill 2008
Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008
Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment (Extension) Bill 2008
Sporting Venues Authorities Bill 2008
Summary Offences and Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Laser Pointers) Bill 2008
Peak Oil Response Plan Bill 2008

Bills reprinted following amendment in Committee
Higher Education Amendment Bill 2008

Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
9 May 2008
Board of Adult and Community Education Repeal Bill 2008
Education Amendment Bill 2008
Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2008
Higher Education Amendment Bill 2008
Justices of the Peace Amendment Bill 2008
Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Acts assented to

For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website.

2 Gazetted statutory and other instruments

Special Supplement No 49 of 2 May 2008 and Gazette No 50 of 9 May 2008. Click here for the current issue of the Gazette.

Proclamations commencing Acts

Regulations and other statutory instruments
Proclamations (except commencement procs)
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection—Child Employment) Amendment Regulation 2008 (2008-124)
Electricity (Consumer Safety) Amendment Regulation 2008 (2008-125)
Public Health Legislation Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2008 (2008-126)
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment Regulation 2008 (2008-127)

Environmental Planning Instruments
Local Environmental Plans
Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 1987 (Amendment No 96) (2008-129)
Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 1997 (Amendment No 114) (2008-130)
Regional Environmental Plans
State Environmental Planning Policies
State Environmental Planning Policy (Rural Lands) 2008 (2008-128)

3 Other events and information

NSW legislation online and legislation guides
For NSW legislation online see the NSW legislation website

For detailed tables of Acts and statutory instruments see the Legislation Guides page. For enquiries about the currency and status of legislation contact the Legislation Information Hotline service: Telephone 02 9321 3333 or e-mail.

Government Gazette, printed legislation and legislation guides
The current issue of the NSW Government Gazette is available online.

To purchase authorised printed legislation contact the Department of Commerce. Salmat, Print on Demand: Level 3, McKell Building, 2–24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000. Telephone 1300 656 986, email

Acts and regulations etc reprinted
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59 (Reprint No 2)
Physiotherapists Act 2001 No 67 (Reprint No 1)
Regulations etc

For a list of reprints in production and proposed for production in 2008 see the Proposed Reprints Program in the Paper Reprints Policy

About this bulletin
This bulletin is compiled by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on its website each Friday afternoon (or the next working day if Parliament is sitting on a Friday or a public holiday or other exceptional events occur).

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