New South Wales Legislation Weekly Bulletin

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A summary of legislative activity for the week ending Friday 30 November 2007
1 Bills

Consultation or Exposure Bills

Bills introduced etc
Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority Bill 2007
Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Amendment Bill 2007
Civil Liability Amendment (Offender Damages) Bill 2007
Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2007
Courts and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2007
Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2007
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2007
Law Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007
Liquor Bill 2007
Miscellaneous Acts (Casino, Liquor and Gaming) Amendment Bill 2007
Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment (Claims and Dispute Resolution) Bill 2007
Road Transport (General) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle User Charges) Bill 2007
Road Transport Legislation (Breath Testing and Analysis) Bill 2007
World Youth Day Amendment Bill 2007
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2007

Bills reprinted following amendment in Committee

Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
27 November 2007
Consumer Claims Amendment Bill 2007
Police Amendment Bill 2007
28 November 2007
Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2007
Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007
Crimes Amendment (Sexual Procurement or Grooming of Children) Bill 2007
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2007
Local Government Amendment Bill 2007
29 November 2007
Agricultural Industry Services Amendment Bill 2007
Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Equal Opportunity in Public Employment) Bill 2007
Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Bill 2007
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Prosecutions) Bill 2007
Rice Marketing Amendment Bill 2007
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2007
Sydney Water Catchment Management Amendment Bill 2007
Wine Grapes Marketing Board (Reconstitution) Amendment Bill 2007
30 November 2007
Evidence (Audio and Audio Visual Links) Amendment Bill 2007

Acts assented to
23 November 2007
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Act 2007 No 60
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment (Novice Drivers) Act 2007 No 61
Coal Acquisition Legislation Repeal Act 2007 No 62
Murray–Darling Basin Amendment Act 2007 No 63
Surveillance Devices Act 2007 No 64
War Memorial Legislation Amendment (Increased Penalties) Act 2007 No 65
Crimes Amendment (Consent—Sexual Assault Offences) Act 2007 No 66

For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website.

2 Gazetted statutory and other instruments

Special Supplement No 173 of 26 November 2007 and No 174 of 28 November 2007 and Gazette No 175 of 30 November 2007. Click here for the current issue of the Gazette.

Proclamations commencing Acts
Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Act 1989 No 90 (2007-559)—Division 4 of Part 2: 1 January 2008
Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 2005 No 73 (2007-558)—Uncommenced provisions: 1 January 2008
Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act 2007 No 54 (2007-561)—Whole of Act: 30 November 2007

Regulations and other statutory instruments
National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000—Notice amending Schedules 1, 2 and 5 (2007-569)
Proclamations (except commencement procs)
Roman Catholic Church Communities' Lands Act 1942—Proclamation amending Schedule 2 (2007-560)
Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Amendment Regulation 2007 (2007-562)
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment (Responsible Person and Corresponding Laws) Regulation 2007 (2007-563)
Dental Practice Amendment (Oral Health Therapists) Regulation 2007 (2007-564)
Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Amendment Regulation 2007 (2007-565)
Mental Health Amendment (Transitional) Regulation 2007 (2007-566)
Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Oral Health Therapists) Regulation 2007 (2007-567)
Tow Truck Industry Amendment Regulation 2007 (2007-568)
Public Notaries Appointment Rules—amendments (2007-570)

Environmental Planning Instruments
Local Environmental Plans
Regional Environmental Plans
State Environmental Planning Policies

3 Other events and information

NSW legislation online and legislation guides
For NSW legislation online see the NSW legislation website

For detailed tables of Acts and statutory instruments see the Legislation Guides page. For enquiries about the currency and status of legislation contact the Legislation Information Hotline service: Telephone 02 9321 3333 or e-mail.

Government Gazette, printed legislation and legislation guides
The current issue of the NSW Government Gazette is available online.

To purchase authorised printed legislation contact the Department of Commerce. Salmat, Print on Demand: Level 3, McKell Building, 2–24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000. Telephone 1300 656 986, email

Acts and regulations etc reprinted
Film and Television Office Act 1988 No 18 (Reprint No 1)
Law and Justice Foundation Act 2000 No 97 (Reprint No 1)
Regulations etc
Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Regulation 2005 (Reprint No 1)
Retirement Villages Regulation 2000 (Reprint No 1)

For a list of reprints in production and proposed for production in 2007 see the Proposed Reprints Program in the Paper Reprints Policy

About this bulletin
This bulletin is compiled by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on its website each Friday afternoon (or the next working day if Parliament is sitting on a Friday or a public holiday or other exceptional events occur).

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