New South Wales Legislation Weekly Bulletin

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A summary of legislative activity for the week ending Friday 7 July 2006
1 Bills

Parliament not sitting

Consultation or Exposure Bills

Bills introduced etc

Bills reprinted following amendment in Committee

Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament

Acts assented to

For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website (

2 Gazetted statutory and other instruments

Special Supplement No 88 of 30 June 2006, No 89 of 4 July 2006 and Gazette No 90 of 7 July 2006. Click here for the current issue of the Gazette.

Allocation of Administration of Acts
Transfer of the Administration of Acts (2006-387)

Proclamations commencing Acts

Regulations and other statutory instruments
National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002—amending Schedule 1 (2006-392)
Public Sector Employment and Management (SOPA Aquatic and Athletic Centres Division) Order 2006 (2006-390)
Proclamations (except commencement procs)
Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Amendment (Joint Ventures) Regulation 2006 (2006-388)
Public Sector Employment and Management (General) Amendment (Transitional) Regulation 2006 (2006-389)
Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No 10) 2006 (2006-391)

Environmental Planning Instruments
Local Environmental Plans
Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988 (Amendment No 124) (2006-393)
Ryde Local Environmental Plan No 135 (2006-394)
Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2005 (Amendment No 1) (2006-395)
Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 1991 (Amendment No 52) (2006-396)
Wyong Local Environmental Plan 1991 (Amendment No 171) (2006-397)
Regional Environmental Plans
State Environmental Planning Policies

3 Other events and information

NSW legislation online
For NSW legislation online see the NSW legislation website

Interpretation Amendment Act 2006: effect of amendments
NSW legislation website

On 8 June 2006 as a result of the assent of the Interpretation Amendment Act 2006, the NSW legislation website ( was established under Part 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 (new section 45C) as the official NSW government site for the online publication of legislation.

Section 45C (5) of the Interpretation Act 1987 will enable the Parliamentary Counsel to certify the form of that legislation that is correct. Until that formal certification, an electronic copy of an item of legislation on that website should continue to be treated as being a reference document only.

The technological framework underpinning formal certification is being developed. In addition, provisions regarding the online gazettal of statutory instruments etc are yet to commence.

Further information regarding developments in this area will be posted on the What's New page and the Weekly Bulletin from time to time.

Reprints Act 1972
The Interpretation Amendment Act 2006 repealed the Reprints Act 1972. The relevant provisions of the Reprints Act 1972 relating to paper reprints have been transferred to the Interpretation Act 1987 (see Part 6A). The paper reprints program will continue in accordance with current arrangements.

Legislation and legislative publications

Legislation information publications
For detailed information about the status of legislation, see the tables of Acts and principal statutory instruments in NSW Legislation in Force.
For further information about NSW legislative publications see Information guides to legislative publications or contact hotline.

Government Gazette, printed legislation and legislation guides
The current issue of the NSW Government Gazette is available online.

To purchase authorised printed legislation contact the Department of Commerce. Salmat, Print on Demand: Level 3, McKell Building, 2–24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000. Telephone 1300 656 986, email

Acts and regulations etc reprinted
Judicial Officers Act 1986 No 100 (Reprint No 4)
Rice Marketing Act 1983 No 176 (Reprint No 5)
Regulations etc

For a list of reprints in production and proposed for production in 2006 see NSW Proposed Reprints Program

About this bulletin
This bulletin is compiled by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on its web site each Friday afternoon (or the next working day if Parliament is sitting on a Friday or a public holiday or other exceptional events occur).

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