New South Wales Legislation - Weekly Bulletin

A summary of legislative activity for the week ending Friday 22 August 2003

1 Bills

Parliament not sitting

Exposure Bills

Bills introduced

Bills reprinted following amendment in Committee

Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament

Acts assented to

For further details of the passage of Bills and the full text of Bills see the NSW Parliament Bills List

2 Gazette

[Gazette No 128 and Special Supplement No 129 of 22 August 2003]

For the current issue of the Gazette see the Government Printing Service website.

Transfer of the Administration of Acts
Transfer of the Administration of Acts (2003 - 563)

Proclamations amending Acts
Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68 (2003 - 567) - amending Schedule 1A
Proclamations commencing Acts
Bail Amendment Act 2003 No 22 (2003 - 564) - Act (except Schedule 1 [3]): 23 August 2003
Commission for Children and Young People Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Act 2003 No 26 (2003 - 565) - Whole of Act: 22 August 2003
Defamation Amendment Act 2002 No 136 (2003 - 585) - Uncommenced provisions: 25 August 2003
Fair Trading Amendment Act 2003 No 35 (2003 - 566) - Act (except section 4 and so much of Schedule 1 [17] as would insert Division 3 of Part 4 into the Fair Trading Act 1987): 25 August 2003
Mining Legislation Amendment (Health and Safety) Act 2002 No 50 (2003 - 586) - Act (except sections 3, 4 and 6 and Schedules 1, 2 and 4): 1 September 2003
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2003 No 29 (2003 - 568) - Schedules 2 [1] and 3 [4] - [17]: 1 September 2003
Proclamations general

Regulations and other statutory rules
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101 - Notice of Final Determination and Amendment of Schedule 3 to Act - GG No 128 of 22.8.2003, p 8051 (2003 - 575)
Public Sector Employment and Management (General) Further Amendment Order 2003 (2003 - 574)
Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Regulation 2003 (2003 - 569)
Criminal Records Amendment (Exclusion) Regulation 2003 (2003 - 570)
Mining Regulation 2003 (2003 - 587)
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Incident Notification) Regulation 2003 (2003 - 571)
Plant Diseases Regulation 2003 (2003 - 572)
Workers Compensation (General) Amendment (Injury Notification) Regulation 2003 (2003 - 573)

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Local Environmental Plans
Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988 (Am No 177) (2003 - 577)
Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988 (Am No 181) (2003 - 578)
Broken Hill Local Environmental Plan 1996 (Am No 5) - Exempt and Complying Development (2003 - 579)
Cessnock Local Environmental Plan 1989 (Am No 92) - Advertising structures and miscellaneous amendments (2003 - 580)
Manly Local Environmental Plan 1988 (Am No 54) (2003 - 581)
Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2000 (Am No 3) (2003 - 582)
Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2000 (Am No 8) (2003 - 583)
City of Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 1990 (Am No 214) (2003 - 584)
Regional Environmental Plans
State Environmental Plans
State Environmental Planning Policy No 74 - Newcastle Port and Employment Lands (2003 - 576)

3 Other events and information

Legislative publications
For NSW legislation on-line see

For detailed information about the status of legislation, see the tables of Acts and principal statutory instruments in NSW Legislation in Force.

For further information about NSW legislative publications see Information guides to legislative publications or contact

The current issue of the NSW Government Gazette is available online.

To purchase legislative publications contact Government Advertising and Information: telephone (02) 9238 0950, NSW country 1800 463 955 or Document Management Services by fax (02) 9743 8603 or Mail Order PO Box 256, Regents Park NSW 2143.

Acts and regulations etc reprinted
Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25 (Reprint No 5)
Regulations etc
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) (Road Rules) Regulation 1999 (Reprint No 2)

For a list of reprints in production and proposed for production in 2002-2003 see NSW Proposed Reprints Program

About this bulletin

This bulletin is compiled by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel's Office and published on its web site each Friday afternoon (or the next working day if Parliament is sitting on a Friday or a public holiday or other exceptional events occur).

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