New South Wales Legislation - Weekly Bulletin

A summary of legislative activity for the week ending Friday 5 May 2000
(Issue 44)

1 Bills

Bills introduced

Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Carer's Responsibilities) Bill 2000 - 3 May 2000
Legal Profession Amendment (Mortgage Practices) Bill 2000 - 3 May 2000
Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment (Medical Assessments) Bill 2000 - 3 May 2000
New South Wales Lotteries Corporatisation Amendment Bill 2000 - 3 May 2000
Parking Space Levy Amendment Bill 2000 - 5 May 2000
Real Property Amendment (Compensation) Bill 2000 - 3 May 2000
Summary Offences Amendment Bill 2000 - 2 May 2000
Transport Administration Amendment (Parramatta Rail Link) Bill 2000 - 5 May 2000

Crimes Amendment (Child Protection - Excessive Punishment) Bill 2000 - 5 May 2000
Freedom of Information Amendment (Open and Accountable Government) Bill 2000 - 5 May 2000

Bills amended in Parliament

Community Relations Commission and Principles of Multicultualism Bill 2000 - Second print
Conveyancing Amendment (Law of Support) Bill 2000 - Vellum version
Evidence (Audio and Audio Visual Links) Amendment Bill 2000 - Second print
Gambling Legislation Amendment (Gaming Machine Restrictions) Bill 2000 - Vellum version
Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Littering) Bill 2000 - amendments not yet agreed to

Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament

Conveyancing Amendment (Law of Support) Bill 2000
Funeral Services Industry (Days of Operation) Repeal Bill 2000
Gambling Legislation Amendment (Gaming Machine Restrictions) Bill 2000
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Police Officers) Bill 2000
Protected Estates Amendment (Investment) Bill 2000

Acts assented to

Access to Neighbouring Land Act 2000 No 2 - 1 May 2000
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Act 2000 No 10 - 3 May 2000
Conveyancers Licensing Amendment (Professional Indemnity Insurance) Act 2000 No 3 - 1 May 2000
Conveyancing Amendment (Central Register of Restrictions) Act 2000 No 4 - 1 May 2000
Electronic Transactions Act 2000 No 8 - 3 May 2000
Fair Trading Amendment (Substantiation of Claims) Act 2000 No 5 - 1 May 2000
Local Government Amendment (Filming) Act 2000 No 6 - 1 May 2000
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Sentencing Guidelines) Act 2000 No 9 - 3 May 2000
Olympic Arrangements Act 2000 No 1 - 1 May 2000
Zoological Parks Board Amendment Act 2000 No 7 - 1 May 2000

For further details of the passage of Bills and the full text of Bills see the NSW Parliament Bills List

2 Gazette

Proclamations commencing Acts


For further details of commencements see NSW Parliamentary Counsel's Office Weekly Acts Tables

Regulations and other statutory rules

Criminal Assets Recovery Regulation 2000
Forestry Amendment (Penalty Notices) Regulation 2000
Non-Indigenous Animals Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2000
Public Sector Management Act 1988 - Proclamation amending the Act
Public Sector Management (Legal Aid Commission) Order 2000
Superannuation (Conversion Offer) Order 2000

Local Environmental Plans


3 Other events and information

Acts and regulations etc reprinted

Electricity Safety Act 1945 (1946 No 13) - Reprint No 12
Justices Act 1902 No 27 - Reprint No 14
Travel Agents Regulation 1995 - Reprint No 1

For a list of reprints in production and proposed for production in 1999-2000 see NSW Proposed Reprints Program

Legislative publications

For detailed information about the status of legislation, see the tables of Acts and principal statutory instruments in NSW Legislation in Force.

For further information about NSW legislative publications see Information guides to legislation or contact

To purchase legislative publications contact the Government Information Service: telephone (02) 9743 7200, NSW country (1800) 46 3955, fax (02) 9743 7124.

About this bulletin

This bulletin is being published on a trial basis. It is compiled by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel's Office and published on its web site each Friday afternoon (or the next working day if a public holiday or other exceptional events occur). A list server that enables the bulletin to be e-mailed to clients is available. For further information see the Weekly Bulletin page or contact
